

トップページ » お知らせ » アイリッシュ・チャリティー・イベント「IRELAND supports JAPAN モダン・アイリッシュ〜ライフ & ミュージック」義捐金および寄付金のご報告と駐日アイルランド大使のメッセージ


アイリッシュ・チャリティー・イベント「IRELAND supports JAPAN モダン・アイリッシュ〜ライフ & ミュージック」義捐金および寄付金のご報告と駐日アイルランド大使のメッセージ

投稿:2011/12/31 14:07

去る、12月10日に開催しましたアイリッシュ・チャリティー・イベント「IRELAND supports JAPAN モダン・アイリッシュ〜ライフ & ミュージック」で、参加者の皆様から寄せられました義捐金および寄付金合わせて239,400円を2011年12月27日付で、「まちづくりNPOげんき宮城研究所」に寄付をしましたので御報告します。




Message from the Ambassador of Ireland

As we enjoy the beautiful autumn colours in Japan, we recall the terrible devastation suffered by the people of Tohoku following the Great east Japan Earthquake last March. At that time, the Government of Ireland donated 1 million Euros to the recovery effort through the Japanese Red Cross. There was also a huge outpouring of sympathy from the Irish people and local events were organized across the country to raise funds and to express our feelings of solidarity.

Meanwhile, I met with a number of Ireland-related groups here in Japan to see what could be done. I am delighted that one of those groups, the Sanin Japan- Ireland Association was present then and subsequently devised the rich and stimulating programme of today’s symposium.

For our part, the Embassy is organizing a tour of the affected areas by some of Ireland’s top performers of traditional music, Anúna and Liam Ó Maonlaí next month. Music has a special place in Irish culture and is deeply appreciated in Japan. We believe there is nothing like music to speak to the hearts of people, wherever they are, and this has brought about a unique connection with the people of Japan.

I am pleased that music features in this seminar along with Irish food culture and I am sure that the discussions will provide a precious insight into Modern Irish life.

The city of Matsue has been close to Ireland for many years, going back to the life and work of the great writer Lafcadio Hearn. We are very proud of the many, varied links with this wonderful city and with the people here, starting with the Ireland-related societies and the Koizumi family. I hope that these connections will continue actively for many years to come.

I have no doubt that Japan will succeed in overcoming this disaster. Thanks to the people supporting this event and the work of volunteer groups such as the Sanin Japan- Ireland Association in Matsue and in Miyagi, recovery continues at a remarkable pace.

We hope that, as the physical reconstruction progresses, the support of their Irish and Japanese friends will lift the spirits of the people of Tohoku and help them to look forward to a bright new future.

John Neary
Ambassador of Ireland to Japan









